Intentional Mom life with Jesus: Scheduling, Planning, Productivity, Mindset, Selfcare, Time Management

Do you struggle to manage your time? Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed or mom guilt because everything on your never-ending todo list feels important? Is it a constant struggle to connect with God in your busy life as a stay at home/work from home mom? Do you wish you could find a balance and flow in your mom life? Well momma, I’m glad you’re here! This podcast is here to help you connect with God so that you can balance your life and schedule, get organized, and be that living example as you train up your children in the way they should go. Hi, I’m Sasha Star Robertson. Child of God, Wife, Boymom, and Intentional Living and Biblical Mindset Coach for moms. Shortly after becoming a stay-at-home mom I found myself wondering things like, what is my role, how do I get everything done, how do I find a good schedule or structure my days, where’s the time for God, and where’s the time for me? Trying to do all the things on my own, left me feeling defeated under my own high expectations. Going with the flow of the day left me feeling like I had no real structure, organization, or time. I finally realized that I had to prioritize my time with God, so that everything else could fall into place. Instead of feeling like I’m always so far behind, I now feel organized, productive, confident, and at peace. Once I partnered with God, my mindset towards motherhood and home transformed as Jesus took control of schedule and routines. Together we created an intentionally abundant motherhood plan that I’m excited to share with you! If you are ready to: Partner with God in your motherhood journey. Create a schedule that actually works for YOU. Get organized, find balance, feel productive, and simplify your life. Get in a little selfcare for mom. Spend more time doing the things that matter most to you. Then grab your cold brew or kombucha, strap those kiddos into the car seat, and let’s binge some Mom Life with Jesus. Want to go deeper? Join the Insiders email list here Learn More about Sasha and Intentional Abundance Co., LLC: Schedule a consult to learn more about working with Sasha: Connect with other Intentional Moms that love Jesus in the Free Community:

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Monday Jun 27, 2022

In this episode Sasha breaks down 5 very common ways your ‘normal’ #mombrain is keeping you stuck right where you’re at. She brings encouragement that you’re not alone in this… we ALL do it… and awareness is the first step to overcoming. But also, Sasha shares some tips on how to get out of this pattern, because momma, it doesn’t have to be this way.
Bio: Sasha Star Robertson is an Intentional Living & Biblical Mindset Coach for busy Christian moms, wife of 13 years to her best friend, boy mom (blessed by adoption), travel addict, and Jesus freak. She is the founder of The Intentional Abundance Co., curator of the Life & Goals Planner, & host of the Intentional Abundant Life Podcast.
Would you benefit from having a coach helping you live Productively Peaceful days digging into Faithful Foundations, Purposeful Priorities, Mindset Mastery, & Simple Selfcare? This question is rhetorical, everyone would! Schedule a consult with Sasha to learn more about the IAM Coaching Program and to see if you'd be a good it.
You're invited to join us in the Productively Peaceful Moms Club over on facebook! It's a safe space where we can show up vulnerably and encourage each other, where ere share the mission of being the best mommas we can be through the grace and strength of Jesus Christ, where we encourage consistency and are able to hold each other accountable. We share scripture and talk about podcast episodes and pray for each other and set goals and so much more! You're more than welcome here, you're wanted here!
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Thursday Jun 23, 2022

In this episode Sasha shares an encouraging and eye opening conversation with Courtney Lowman, a wife, mom, speaker, host of The Journey of Ruth Podcast, and a discipler of young women.
Not only does Courtney share personal testimony about growing up as a pastors kid and how God brought her to podcasting and discipleship... but she also dives deep with us into the importance of discipleship, what it means to be a disciple, the disciple tree, and how we as busy Christian moms can be discipled, disciple others, and grow little disciples of our own.
Want more Courtney?
Subscribe to her podcast:
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You're invited to join us in the Productively Peaceful Moms Club over on facebook! It's a safe space where we can show up vulnerably and encourage each other, where ere share the mission of being the best mommas we can be through the grace and strength of Jesus Christ, where we encourage consistency and are able to hold each other accountable. We share scripture and talk about podcast episodes and pray for each other and set goals and so much more! You're more than welcome here, you're wanted here!
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Monday Jun 20, 2022

In this episode Sasha talks about seasons. Spring, summer, fall, winter. Monthly seasonal cycles. Seasons in motherhood. Seasons in life.
She encourages you to take some time to get clear on what seasons of life you’re living in, because there can be multiple different seasons taking place at once.
Recognize the season your in and check your response to it. Are you surrendering and staying stuck in a season that may be an uncomfortable one? Or are you making a decision to do the work that your current season requires to bring you into the next one?
Sasha Star Robertson is an Intentional Living & Biblical Mindset Coach for busy Christian moms, wife of 13 years to her best friend, boy mom (blessed by adoption), travel addict, and Jesus freak. She is the founder of The Intentional Abundance Co., curator of the Life & Goals Planner, & host of the Intentional Abundant Life Podcast.
Would you benefit from having a coach helping you live Productively Peaceful days digging into Faithful Foundations, Purposeful Priorities, Mindset Mastery, & Simple Selfcare? This question is rhetorical, everyone would! Schedule a consult with Sasha to learn more about the IAM Coaching Program and to see if you'd be a good it.
You're invited to join us in the Productively Peaceful Moms Club over on facebook! It's a safe space where we can show up vulnerably and encourage each other, where ere share the mission of being the best mommas we can be through the grace and strength of Jesus Christ, where we encourage consistency and are able to hold each other accountable. We share scripture and talk about podcast episodes and pray for each other and set goals and so much more! You're more than welcome here, you're wanted here!
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Friday Jun 17, 2022

In this episode Sasha talks about self discipline. What is it really? What does it mean when you say or think that you're struggling with self-discipline? What could it really be?
Sasha shares about what is often behind this idea and thought of self-discipline struggles and how you can truly get to the bottom of it. Sasha knows that moms, especially those in this modern world, are showing up day in and day out giving their all (and more) to their families and homes and loved ones. But we're often left feeling like we never did enough... looking into the lives of others through social media windows, comparing our productivity to their perceived productivity levels, and then beating ourselves up over it as if we're not disciplined enough.
Sasha gets to the root of self-discipline and gives you step one and holds the blueprint to get you out of this mindset trap and into the land of productively peaceful days in motherhood.
Jump on a consult asap to share your heart and learn about what your life could look like January 1, 2023 after 6 months in the IAM at a price point that you literally can't afford not to take full advantage of. This price point is only available to the first 5 ladies that jump in on it, so don't delay because they will fly like hot cakes in a room with teenage boys in the middle of their competitive sports season.
You're invited to join us in the Productively Peaceful Moms Club over on facebook! It's a safe space where we can show up vulnerably and encourage each other, where ere share the mission of being the best mommas we can be through the grace and strength of Jesus Christ, where we encourage consistency and are able to hold each other accountable. We share scripture and talk about podcast episodes and pray for each other and set goals and so much more! You're more than welcome here, you're wanted here!
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Thursday Jun 16, 2022

In this powerful value packed episode Sasha shares a conversation with Gabe Cox; a faith-based author, podcaster, coach, and the founder of Red Hot Mindset. She helps faith-fueled women use their passions to enhance their productivity and spiritual growth so they can go after their God-given goals. As an avid runner, she uses that interest to explore ideas around clarity, goal setting, strategic planning, simplicity, and faith. Her mission is to help women realize their gifts, hone their skills, and get crystal clear on their calling.
Gabe shares a vulnerable testimony about her start to marriage and motherhood and how God shifted her heart and focus.
Sasha and Gabe then share a conversation that covers a vast array of topics including seasons of life & motherhood, self care, balance, goals, peace, proper order and alignment of priorities, and more!
Some major talking points include embracing and honoring the season you’re in, the importance of being an example to your children in the areas of self care and goal setting, how to pursue goals with peace, and what balance actually is.
Get ready to dive in with a notebook and pen ready, because you’re going to be taking notes on these mic drop moments Gabe and Sasha have to share.
Want to connect with Gabe?!
Join us in the Intentional Abundance Community to chat more about the topics discussed in this episode:
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Monday Jun 13, 2022

In this episode Sasha, in typical Sasha fashion, shows that transparency and lets you in on a little testimony from a recent struggle she faced, but also how God used her coach, a friend, and His word to speak (quite literally) life into her.
This episode starts off with a personal share and then goes into sermon mode as Sasha shares this incredible thread from scripture that God showed her in her quiet time one afternoon.
Leaving the episode with a challenging question, Sasha wants to know where God is calling you to step up to the mic and speak? Give the full episode a listen and then head on over to the Intentional Abundance Community on Facebook and share your answers.
You're invited to join us in the Productively Peaceful Moms Club over on facebook! It's a safe space where we can show up vulnerably and encourage each other, where ere share the mission of being the best mommas we can be through the grace and strength of Jesus Christ, where we encourage consistency and are able to hold each other accountable. We share scripture and talk about podcast episodes and pray for each other and set goals and so much more! You're more than welcome here, you're wanted here!
Would you benefit from having a coach helping you live Productively Peaceful days digging into Faithful Foundations, Purposeful Priorities, Mindset Mastery, & Simple Selfcare? This question is rhetorical, everyone would! Schedule a consult with Sasha to learn more about the IAM Coaching Program and to see if you'd be a good it.
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Thursday Jun 09, 2022

In this episode Sasha shares a powerful conversation with the one and only Stefanie Gass. Stef shares her 5 Steps to creating boundaries that stick. Not only that, but we get to talk about seasons of life/motherhood, Jesus, puppies, growth, scheduling, and SO much more. It's time to get purposeful and focused in your priorities, show up efficiently and effectively in your life, and be intentional about the way you're showing up. If there was ever an episode you don't want to miss, this is it!
Stefanie Gass is a Daughter of the King, wife, mama, coffee lover, and #pjsallday enthusiast!  She is the host of a top 25 ranked podcast for Christian Entrepreneurs, The Stefanie Gass Show.  Stef helps women uncover their callings and create profitable online businesses.  She wants women to create true change for themselves and God's Kingdom by using their gifts for glory, and serving the world with a business that lights them up!  Stef believes that when we let God light our path, we will experience true miracles, live proactively, & design a life that fuels our soul.
Find more Stef at
Leave a review, screenshot it, then join us in the Intentional Abundance Community to get in on the Podcast Review Giveaway happening now! Someone is going to win over $100 goodie package from Sasha Star, is it going to be you?!?
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Monday Jun 06, 2022

In this episode Sasha digs into your schedule and shares 3 tips that are sure to help you create a schedule that actually works for you and your family.
Creating a schedule that fits your lifestyle and helps you pursue the things that are meant for you in the season you're in and the unique gifts and strengths God has equipped you with is one of Sasha's passions. It also happens to be one of the top things she helps her clients find breakthrough in.
It's so easy for us as busy moms to allow the needs and demands of others to make our days disappear faster than we realize. But Sasha knows it's not complicated to do ALL THE THINGS that are meant for you when you've got the right planning method and systems in place to lead productively peaceful days.
Sasha breaks it all down in this episode and leaves you walking away with freedom and grace as you explore how your days look now, and how you would like them to look. She gives you examples and shares about the importance of flexibility in our schedules as busy moms. Sasha walks you through a 3 step process to creating your own flexible schedule. She gives you permission to say no to things at certain times so that you can say to things at certain times.
Would you benefit from having a coach helping you live Productively Peaceful days digging into Faithful Foundations, Purposeful Priorities, Mindset Mastery, & Simple Selfcare? This question is rhetorical, everyone would! Schedule a consult with Sasha to learn more about the IAM Coaching Program and to see if you'd be a good it.
You're invited to join us in the Productively Peaceful Moms Club over on facebook! It's a safe space where we can show up vulnerably and encourage each other, where ere share the mission of being the best mommas we can be through the grace and strength of Jesus Christ, where we encourage consistency and are able to hold each other accountable. We share scripture and talk about podcast episodes and pray for each other and set goals and so much more! You're more than welcome here, you're wanted here!
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Thursday Jun 02, 2022

In this episode Sasha is blessed to chat with President of Moms in Prayer International, Sally Burke about prayer. They discuss how were invited into prayer with God, how prayer works, praying scripture back to God, the power of prayer, victorious prayer, the benefits of praying together with prayer partners, prayer being the antidote of fear and stress, and SO much more.
Sally fully believes in the power of prayer because she has witnessed God move through moms in prayer in over 160 different countries.
Sally shares so much encouragement, tips for motherhood and prayer life, as well as real life examples so that we all walk away from this episode like with a breath of fresh air towards motherhood.
Connect with Moms in Prayer International on their website at on their facebook https:/ or on Instagram @momsinprayer.
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Thursday May 26, 2022

In this episode Sasha and Robbie share a conversation about doing your best everyday.
They dig into how 'your best' looks different each and every day, but how we can live life well as good stewards by making sure that each and every day that we are doing the best we can with what we have.
We all have those days where the weight of the world feels heavy, maybe its the weather, or maybe it's our families needing us at every turn while were cleaning up messes and putting out fires all day long (hopefully not literal ones). We all have low days or seasons spent in the valleys. But have you ever considered how your actions on the high mountain top days could help you in those valleys?
Sasha and Robbie explore these questions and more as they share tips and encouragement to help you find more harmony and get through your days with less accelerator/brake and more momentum.
You're invited to join us in the Productively Peaceful Moms Club over on facebook! It's a safe space where we can show up vulnerably and encourage each other, where ere share the mission of being the best mommas we can be through the grace and strength of Jesus Christ, where we encourage consistency and are able to hold each other accountable. We share scripture and talk about podcast episodes and pray for each other and set goals and so much more! You're more than welcome here, you're wanted here!
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Sasha Star Robertson - Intentional Abundance Co.

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